If you have any questions, or answers to questions posted here, please use the email form below.

1. Where can I purchase an alb?


2. Where can I find a sewing pattern so I can make my own alb?

Everything Vestment

3. How do I get a Lay Reader medallion and ribbon?

Ask your rector or priest-in-charge to contact Dennis Eisan who keeps a supply on hand. Remember, a Lay Reader-in-training wears a blue ribbon, a licensed Lay Reader wears a purple ribbon.

4. What should I bring with me to the Fall Conference?

You should bring your alb or surplice and cassock; a B.A.S.; a B.C.P.; and a bible.

If you play a musical instrument, please bring it with you.

Here is agraphic that shows how to tie the cincture.

6. Can I wear a prayer shawl with my alb or cassock and surplice?

No, prayer shawls are no longer permitted, the only item you can wear with either an alb or surplice is the lay readers's ribbon and medallion. A poppy is permitted on Remembrance Day.

7. Who can do The Blessing and when?

Only the priest can perform the blessing. This is one of the priestly duties.

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